Archive for May, 2013

mystics in bali

Posted in ms paint on May/14/2013 by Marshall


mystics in bali is an indonesian film about a tourist who learns the black magic of the leyaks and then her body is used by rangda to kill some babies.  spoilers – good prevails.  it’s a goddamn shame.  praise be to rangda.

mystics01 mystics02 mystics03 mystics04 mystics05 mystics06 mystics07 mystics08 mystics09 mystics10 mystics11 mystics12 mystics13 mystics14 mystics15 mystics17


Q.  what makes a movie good?

A.  mystics16




Posted in ms paint on May/14/2013 by Marshall

dog_funeral dr_drunk let_us_go_away nine_thirty_three ufolojist anticigrate